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Omega and Alif are novels that are publicly available on other web sites that showcase fiction. Inevitably, they have attracted the critical attention of some of the readers. These readers are not professional reviewers, but that does not necessarily mean that their observations are the less valid. In the interests of shameless self-promotion, I include here reviews that have been complimentary to my novels. These reviews are already publicly available.







This was the first book I’ve read by this author.

Alif features mature, including lesbian themes, and is not for children or sensitive readers.

I really enjoyed this story a lot. The plot was interesting and held my attention for the entire book.

The characters in this book are likable and relatable and it was a great way to spend the weekend.

R. Kabachuk

Well written romantic love story, this novel also presents a realistic view on a life under a totalitarian regime. The oppressive atmosphere is shown from the point of view of a young and naïve woman, and mostly concerns minute nuisances and limitations imposed by corrupt government on its subjects. The tone of the book is light and satirical, and the countries mentioned are not real. But still I caught strong similarities to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan which I and my colleagues had the misfortune to visit in the early 2000s.

Alaric McDermot

Bradley is a gifted writer, and whilst this reviewer has some difficulties in associating the environment created in ALIF with the parody that the story aims to be, the characters are well created, this is by no means titillating in intent and there are thought provoking passages.




Ivana Milakovic

Alif is very captivating; it kept me awake until 4 AM.




Native Law

You write very smoothly.  The story line, though clearly your own very imaginative work, reminds me of a cross between Huxley’s “Brave New World” and Ann Rice’s ”Sleeping Beauty”.  I do easily envision this as a published work. 




Wind River

It’s well written and held my attention the whole time. One of those I didn’t want to put down.


Interesting couldn't stop reading it. Would have loved to know them in the next Chapter of their lives. The commentary on prostitution, dictatorship and women's rights was very interesting, especially the differing viewpoints of the various women.









Danny Gonzales, Whittier, CA, USA.(Storymania)

This is probably one of the best pieces of work to grace Storymania in quite some time. Your writing style is very sophisticated and quick-witted.




Michael Harris

I haven’t finished it yet, but this is clearly the best unproduced work I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading on the Internet. The way you present the issues shows unadulterated brilliance.




Michael Harris

If I was intimidated by the length of Bradley Stoke’s Omega, I would have missed out on what is, without a doubt, the single most informative and well done piece Storymania has had to offer thus far. Quite simply, it should be in print. If you disagree, then by all means, point me in the direction of the piece which should, or comes close to holding that honor.





I confess that I might have been put off by giant, talking grasshoppers had they appeared in a first chapter. That’s a prejudice of mine, I think. It doesn’t apply here though. In the first place it’s so charmingly and well written. In the second place it suits your purpose very well (or you make it do so): a vehicle for commentary on social, political, religious, scientific and aesthetic issues. (Have I left anything out? It is a very broad canvass you’ve chosen.)

The fantasy goes deeper than this, of course. The Cartesian and Newtonian divisions of the Church, for example, are intriguing, suggestive, actually quite plausible.

I was rather taken with the quest. An excellent read.




Alaric McDermot

Absolutely outstanding and complex fable which stands comparison with Jonathan Swift. Our traveller meets religious absurdism head on. Highly recommended.




Alaric McDermot

A very superior fantasy this, set in a world full of different pockets of existence distinguished by species or class or faith. As a result, it’s layered and complex, and whilst slow moving it’s refreshingly unpredictable. The humour and targets are, I suppose, British, but there’s a general appeal. Don’t miss it is my recommendation.




Ivana Milakovic

Definitely one of the best works on Storymania.




Native Law

I enjoyed reading this imaginative piece, which says a lot, because I confess I am not a fan of science fiction and my tastes are very limited with respect to what I'll read in the fantasy genre.  I think it reads very smoothly and holds the reader's interest.




Wind River

It’s obvious you’ve spent a lot of time developing this world, and it comes across visually to the reader. It’s well done.