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Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

As the moon cycled through the winter season, especially on those days when snowstorms kept the villagers shivering inside their shelters and unable to venture out into the deadly cold, Ivory often returned to her memories of Glade. The shaman’s apprentice remembered her not only as a lover, but also as the woman revealed to her by the stories she’d told her of her life. What puzzled Ivory most was why Glade had chosen to abandon her husband and two children. Ivory couldn’t imagine that she could ever do anything so heartless. This was especially so since Glade had told her how happy she’d been living amongst the Cave Dwellers. How could Glade have been so stupid? And to do so for the love of such an evil bitch?

The village where Glade and Flint lived was one of many such settlements scattered about the region where the tribe lived. Most settlements were situated further north in the flanks of the mountain range that Glade could see covered in white in the far distance on a clear day. She now understood that this whiteness was the same coating of snow that settled on the ground through the winter, but snow that persisted on the mountain peaks during even the hottest days of Summer.

The Cave Dwellers’ villages kept in close contact with each other and especially so during the Summer feast days when the men would woo eligible women from other villages. These were joyful occasions on which many a marriage was arranged. They were also much more restrained than similar festivities Glade had witnessed in other tribes. There was no public display of lovemaking. The dancing was formal and restrained. The suitors were normally accompanied by their family. Nevertheless, the whole affair had to be conducted in haste because any wedding that resulted from the courtship would have to take place before the visiting suitors returned home.

Glade frequently accompanied Flint to these other villages together with the suitors and their families. Flint needed to be escorted on a stretcher carried by two strong men because his legs were so short that he couldn’t otherwise expect to keep up with everyone. His presence was required if there was any likelihood of a wedding. It was customary for a shaman to preside over the matrimonial ceremony.

Glade and Flint attracted much curious attention wherever they went. The villagers were astonished by Flint’s short stature and Glade’s brown skin. Although they believed that the shaman and his wife had been cursed at birth they also believed that it was the duty of every Cave Dweller to express sympathy towards those less fortunate than themselves.

It was during one such excursion to another village that Glade heard about another woman who also had unusually dark skin.

“Her skin is much darker than even yours,” said the shaman of this other village. “It is as black as the shadow the sun casts upon the snow.”

“Where does she live?” asked Glade. She wondered with both hope and fear whether this black woman could be Demure, her southern lover.

“Several days north,” said the shaman. “She lives in the mountain caves. I met her once only briefly. Although she is growing old she is still unmarried. She presented herself as eligible for marriage, but of course no one would wish to marry someone whose skin is so dark and sinister.”

“No, indeed,” said Glade who’d also experienced such prejudice. “Was she born in the mountains?”

“No,” said the shaman. “I was told that she was discovered on the sea shore. She was saved from almost certain death by the kindness of the mountain Cave Dwellers.”

It was just a matter of time until Glade’s suspicions were confirmed, but she was initially sceptical. She didn’t forget her conversation with the shaman, but she knew that there were many black-skinned people in the southern lands (and, for all she knew, in the north) and this dark woman might not necessarily be Demure. And even if she was, Glade had to consider the love of her husband, her duty to her two sons, and the respect she owed to the village.

But all this responsibility was, of course, soon to be forgotten.

Glade wasn’t as surprised as she thought she would be when she was told that a strange woman had appeared in the village. This was when she was returning home from the woods with the other village-women where they’d been foraging for herbs, roots and mushrooms.

It was unusual enough that the strange woman was unaccompanied. Although she dressed as a Cave Dweller, she was otherwise just as alien as Glade or the Red Haired People, with which the Cave Dwellers had a cordial association. Her skin was dark. Her lips were thick and broad. She spoke the Cave Dwellers’ language with a very peculiar dialect.

The strange woman was, of course, Demure.

Glade was more shocked than surprised. Demure had changed a great deal. It was true that the few years of separation had changed Glade also. Her breasts were fuller. Her thighs and buttocks were thicker. Lines creased her once smooth face. But Demure had changed much more. It wasn’t just age that had changed her. A deep scar was cruelly gashed across her left cheek and forehead. Her left eye was dull, grey and sightless. She was limping on the same side. Her right arm was twisted and viciously scarred.

But when Demure smiled at the shaman’s wife she radiated a look of love that was rare enough even in the days when they slept and made love together every night and often through the day. Glade choked and burst into tears. Even though it was not the Cave Dwellers’ custom, she ran into her former lover’s arms and pulled Demure to her bosom. Tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks. Her words were spluttered out through strangled sobs.

The other Cave Dwellers were bewildered and scandalised by Glade’s behaviour. The two women spoke to each other in a language that no villager had ever have heard before.

“I heard that you were living in the south,” said Demure who had discovered this by the same chain of communication by which Glade had heard about her black lover’s presence. “As soon as I knew you were here, I followed the shore south to your village.”

“And you came alone?”

“The villagers were pleased to see me go,” said Demure. “They were never hostile, but I was unhappy and lonely. I was wanted by no man except for a few moments of discreet fucking. No one ever trusted me. But it is you I love. It is you I have always loved. And in the many years we’ve been apart I now know for sure just how deeply and passionately I love you.”

“Who is this woman?” Flint asked when Glade took Demure back to the small cave where she and her husband lived. He looked at her with wary suspicion, mostly because of the immodesty of two women holding one another’s hands.

“She is my friend from the southern lands,” said Glade who had told Flint an expurgated and sanitised version of her travels in the southern lands. “She’s the one who drifted away from me on the great sea.”

“And she isn’t dead?” said Flint, who made a brave attempt to display a more usual welcoming face. “This is good news indeed. She is welcome to stay for as long as she likes.”

This wasn’t a generosity of spirit, however, that could last for long. Even on the first night that Demure stayed with them, he confessed to his wife as they lay together that he wasn’t sure he trusted the black-skinned woman. She had a way about her which didn’t engender trust. She wasn’t open in her conversation. She was unusually careful with her words and her questions were too probing. Flint was also deeply uncomfortable with the degree of physical intimacy the two women expressed towards each other.

“That is the custom in the southern lands,” explained Glade.

“It is a bad custom,” said Flint. “I hope she doesn’t stay in our cave for long. We must build her a shelter so she can sleep elsewhere.”

There were many ways that Demure had changed since Glade had last seen her. It wasn’t just the years of living with the Cave Dwellers that had taught her a degree of humility and consideration for others that had been totally absent in the proud woman Glade had known before. She was still a woman who was an uneasy fit with the modest and incorruptible Cave Dwellers. Glade could well imagine the degree of Demure’s effort to moderate her natural instincts during the years she’d lived among them.

Demure was more in love with her than Glade thought possible for such a self-centred woman. She wasn’t sure whether Demure just loved the idea and memory of her long-time lover rather than the older woman Glade was now, but Demure’s confused, unfocused but intense passion very much matched Glade’s own. It was love for Glade that had sustained Demure for all these years. It was love that persuaded her to leave the security of her village for the long, risky trek south to Glade’s settlement.

Although Demure was never really accepted by the Cave Dwellers, she was tolerated by them and allowed to share in the village’s repast as long as she contributed towards it. That last duty was the most humbling experience of her life so far. Never before had she had to shoulder so much responsibility in collecting food, preparing meals and working for the welfare of the village where she lived. Previously, there had always been someone, most often Glade, to help her do the necessary tasks for which her life in the savannah had so poorly prepared her.


It was a leopard that had inflicted on Demure the wounds that now disfigured her. She was savaged just after she’d made landfall by raft, naked and hungry, on the pebbly beach of the northern coast. The attack happened after she staggered towards the forest from the shore where her raft had carried her. She was too exhausted to find somewhere completely safe. She was shivering in the chill wind and solely focused on the need to find somewhere to rest. It is, of course, when most distracted by weariness and cold that a person is most vulnerable. And so it was with Demure. It was almost as soon as she’d slumped down on a patch of grass by the forest edge that without warning a leopard pounced on her and grabbed her arm between its jaws.

Demure had always been a resourceful woman. Her immediate instinct was to fight back and this she did with a sharp flint-tipped spear that the Raft People used to hunt tuna and dolphin. She thrust it swiftly upwards with her free hand and felt the familiar resistance of living flesh as it stabbed into the leopard’s flank. The animal’s response was a startled growl. It immediately scurried back into the forest from whence it had come with the flint-tip still embedded in its neck. Nevertheless, considerable damage had been done in that brief violent encounter. Demure collapsed on her side under the forest’s shadows while blood seeped out from across the left side of her body where the leopard had bitten and scratched her. She had only just landed on the shore and already she was at mortal risk of slow death.

Demure would almost certainly have died had she not been discovered by chance a day or so later. Her saviours were women from a Cave Dwellers’ village in the nearby caves in the mountainside. They were scavenging along the shore for flotsam that the village could eat or otherwise employ. As was the case when Glade first encountered the Cave Dwellers, the women were initially more shocked by Demure’s nakedness than by the sight of the wounds she had suffered. Demure was in no position to care what they thought. She’d lost a great deal of blood. She could no longer see through her left eye. Only a persistent stabbing pain prevented her from sinking into eternal oblivion. All the while she clasped a flint knife as her only means of protecting herself from any other predators, but her grip was so tight that as much blood dripped from her palm as it did from the wounds inflicted by the leopard.

It was several days until Demure was fully conscious of her situation. After this, she was cared for by the village shaman who instructed her in the traditions of the Cave Dwellers. She had to accept that she would have to remain fully clothed irrespective of how warm it was. She began the slow and essential steps towards learning yet another new language and adapting to a new set of customs. It was soon obvious that this wasn’t a tribe where Demure was likely to flourish. Modesty, moral probity and a strict observance to tradition were attributes of to the Cave Dwellers that were impervious to Demure’s skills in scheming and taking advantage of people’s weaknesses.

But, as Demure told Glade, she was a changed woman. All she wanted now was to be reunited with her lover.


Demure’s arrival on the northern shores was more than a year after the time Glade had arrived and been adopted by the Red Haired People. This wasn’t because she’d been drifting by raft for that much longer, but because she’d originally made landfall somewhere else entirely. Her passage to the pebbly shore was rather shorter than that which washed Glade ashore. In fact, the shore from which she’d sailed was much nearer and could be seen on a clear day across the blue waters of the Great Sea.

When the two lovers’ rafts drifted apart on the restless waves, the two women’s immediate fortunes were much the same. Like Glade, several days passed by in which Demure increasingly lost faith in her ability to survive. She rediscovered a faith in the gods of her tribe, but they served her no better than the spirits of Glade’s forest when the dark storms rained down on her. As she drifted over the waves, Demure only survived because, like Glade, she’d tied herself to the slats of the raft. And Demure likewise eventually drifted onto a sandy beach after many days of being aimlessly buffeted about by the elements.

Unlike Glade however, Demure’s salvation wasn’t facilitated by human intervention. There was nobody to help her. She had to untie herself from the raft when she was able. She pulled it away from the waves that battered the sand so that she wouldn’t be dragged out again by the receding tide. She then collapsed weak and helpless on the sand, but glad to be alive. And she stayed so for all the day, into the night and through the following day. If a leopard or other predator had wandered about this sandy beach then she would never have survived.

It was only later when Demure recovered sufficiently to wander beyond the shore that she discovered that she had no need to worry about predators. In fact, there was no large game at all. There were no giraffes, elephants or lions. Dense forest spilled to the edge of the sand. There were many birds and small animals in the trees. Demure’s eyes were well trained to spot the tell-tale trail of large animals that had passed through the woodland and there was nothing to be seen at all.

Demure was reluctant to leave the coast as she would then lose her point of reference, so she decided to walk along the sandy beach until she stumbled across a human settlement. She knew from experience that villages were most often within sight of the sea. She pushed her raft out of sight so that she could use it again if the natives were hostile and she needed it to get away. Then she strode along the sand breaking her journey only to forage for fruit and other victuals in the nearby forest and to spear fish in the clear blue water of the sea. She walked for a whole day and found nothing. She rested in the shelter of a rock where she roasted the vegetables and fish. She walked through the following day and the next. And still she encountered no villages and found no evidence of any. As she wandered she noticed that the sun which once rose on her left side was now rising on her right. At first she assumed it was because the shoreline jutted out to sea and that she would soon walk into a bay that would curve round and adjust her orientation.

Then one afternoon she was astonished to see that the beach along which she was walking was the very one on which she had arrived. The raft was where she had hidden it. The small clearing in the woods which had been her home for the first few days was exactly as it had been several days before. The land where she had been carried to across the Great Sea was surrounded on all sides by water. This concept puzzled Demure. She had never been aware before of the concept of an island.

Demure wandered to every part of the island in the seasons to come. There were routes across the island alongside the flowing streams to the hills at the interior. In all her travels she came across no sign that anyone had ever lived there. The largest animals she came across were some small hippopotami wallowing in a small inland lake. There were no other animals of considerable size. There were mice, rabbits, dwarf crocodiles, small birds, and many tortoises and turtles. There were animals to capture and eat, but no big game and no people. Demure was able to feast well on the animals, because they were oddly unafraid of her. She could walk right up to a large goose whose wings were too small for it to fly and catch it in her bare hands. She could twist its neck while the bird more bewildered than frightened contemplated its death in a seemingly philosophical manner.

At first, Demure thought she was in paradise. There were no predators and there was plenty to eat. She explored more and more of the island each day throughout the Summer and Autumn months. The Winter months, however, were no less cold than in the southern lands and Demure was obliged to piece together a crude covering from the fur she skinned off the small animals she trapped. Unfortunately Demure wasn’t particularly good at stitching together the separate furs and what she wrapped round her shoulders and under which she shivered at night frequently fell apart at the seams. At night, she slept as well as she could under a blanket of fallen leaves and ferns while the snow fell down and she was painfully aware that she had nobody else’s warm flesh to embrace.

Loneliness was what most troubled Demure. She missed her lover. During the long lonely hours, she contemplated her years together with Glade. She recalled how they supported one another on their directionless roving across the southern lands. She treasured the memory of their moments of passionate love, their deep speculations and their entertaining chats, the songs and chants they taught each other, and even the acrimonious arguments that Demure could now see were ones in which she was almost always the guilty rather than the aggrieved party.

Her thoughts focused also on the long distant shore that she could see across the Great Sea on a clear day. Although she didn’t know it, the island wasn’t very far from the tribal lands of the Cave Dwellers. All she needed was to sail on her raft on a day when the winds blew towards the shore and the sea was becalmed. Within a day or so she would drift to the shore where in the absence of anyone to tell her otherwise she increasingly came to believe that Glade would be waiting for her.

It was on one such perfect day that Demure pushed herself out on her raft and set off across the Great Sea. She badly underestimated the distance and difficulty of crossing the sea and was soon regretting her foolishness. However, she took enough food with her to survive and she did have some rudimentary skill at steering the raft. The extent of the shore ahead of her steadily grew larger and larger as the Sun set, the Moon filled the sky and then the Sun rose again. The shores eventually stretched so far in either direction that her main concern was more the difficulty of navigating past the rocks that were in her way than whether she would find land.

The raft drifted onto a pebbly beach. She was hungry and tired, but not as much so as she’d been when she drifted on the Great Sea a year earlier. The only plan she had was to find Glade, her lover, and this mission now seemed rather more difficult now she was ashore. But as Glade was to discover Demure’s search almost came to an abrupt end before it had even begun.

Glade was more moved by Demure’s account of her love than she’d ever been before. She wept tears of genuine sympathy as she unclothed Demure when they had the privacy and saw the extent of her wounds. The worst was the blindness in Demure’s left eye from which foul pus occasionally oozed.

Demure’s limp resulted from a later accident that happened when she was gathering fruit and vegetables in the forest. Her loss of sight made her prone to fall over or walk into a tree or bush. On this occasion, she caught her foot in a cleft in the rocks as she clambered up the hillside where she and other women would daily forage. Her fibula was only slightly broken and the village shaman had the knowledge to treat the break with a splint made from the femur of a deer, but the wound never fully healed.

It was inevitable that, after not many days, temptation got the better of Glade and the two women once again made love together.

This was very foolish and imprudent in a Cave Dwellers’ village. This was even more reckless given that Glade was the shaman’s wife and therefore expected to behave even more responsibly than the other woman. She was also the mother of two children. The Cave Dwellers had shown her nothing but kindness and she threw away all the accumulated good will to enjoy the flesh of another woman. And worse: to a woman no longer as beautiful or desirable as she had once been.

But Glade’s passion well exceeded the bounds of prudence, common sense, decency or even material self-interest. She loved Demure and, as her lover made so very apparent to her, Demure loved her. They snatched any and every opportunity to make love together in the woods or in the darkest shadows of the caves. Their lips and tongues tangled together. Their nails cut deep into the skin of each other’s back. A passionate flow of juice dripped from their vaginas. Their crotches were raw and red from tribadic friction. Glade was drunk on heedless passion and reckless desire.

And of course it all soon came to an end.

Glade and Demure were discovered together making love by three women who’d been gathering mushrooms in the woods. They were troubled by a disconcerting commotion of gasps and moans. They speculated that they would have to minister to a villager who’d been attacked by a wild animal or who was victim to an accident. They didn’t expect to see the naked flesh of two women: both dark but one much darker than the other. They were utterly appalled and scampered off before Glade could stop them and try to somehow buy their silence.

The awful truth was out.

The only mystery was that Glade and Demure had managed to conduct their indiscretions for so long. Many villagers came forward with accounts of what they’d seen that had aroused their suspicions. The times the two lovers were more intimate together than two friends from even the heathen southern lands should ever be. The times they were seen walking together hand in hand over the grassy meadows. And the number of times when Glade was nowhere to be found and Demure was also missing.

The Cave Dwellers had no choice in the matter. Glade and Demure had committed an unforgivable sin. Flint couldn’t be expected to live any longer with a wife who had so dishonoured him with, of all transgressions, another woman. The two boys would be forever damaged if they remained in the care of a woman who’d forsaken her marital duties for mere carnal desire. The whole village was shamed by this heinous transgression. The two harlots would have to be expelled from the village. And not just from the one village but from any village settled by the Cave Dwellers’ tribe.

It wouldn’t do for Glade to plead that in many villages in the southern lands behaviour like theirs, even within the institution of marriage, was often not merely condoned but expected. Such further evidence of corruption and perversion would only worsen their case. The villagers would simply conclude that the very act of extending compassion to women from the southern lands had merely let an evil cancer spread within their midst.

Glade and Demure silently hung their heads low while the village chief and his advisors berated them. Flint, the shaman, was inconsolable. He could barely speak through his bitter tears. Glade could see from the expression on his face that he still couldn’t believe that his married life was to end so soon. Glade was sure that if the discovery of her infidelity hadn’t been declared so publicly in front of the entire village then despite his anger Flint would also have been inclined to forgive her for the sake of the children and her continued companionship.

Glade kept her face as expressionless as she could throughout the ordeal. With Demure by her side this was in a sense no more than a return to the state she and her lover had known before they’d sailed across the Great Sea. She and Demure may be older now (although clearly no wiser), but this wasn’t an unfamiliar situation at all. She had no doubt that the lovers had the resourcefulness and wit to survive in the northern lands as they had in the south. The predators may be different, the winter unspeakably harsh and the tribes spoke different languages and worshipped different spirits, but essentially the situation wasn’t much different.

Demure was, of course, the more inscrutable of the two women while they were being reprimanded. This was a blessing for both of them as it was she who was most blamed and one most spat on by the villagers. She didn’t flinch even though her dark skin dripped with saliva and words had been shouted at her from right beside her cheek. The answers she gave in her heavily accented version of the Cave Dwellers’ language couldn’t satisfy the anger of the chief or any of the other villagers, but at least they didn’t antagonise them further.

And then the two women were banished.


This was a pattern in Glade’s life which could only be blamed on her lover. Demure was a blight on Glade’s life. But she was also her nearest and dearest love from the southern savannah, along the southern shores, across the Great Desert, over the Great Sea and now amongst the northern lands of mountains, snow and dark coniferous forest.

The two women were given enough time to gather their possessions under the baleful and reproachful eyes of the villagers who Glade not long before considered her family and friends. Then, with only curses to accompany them, the two women trudged northwards along the paths beaten down between the beach and the forest to a new and far less secure life.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Nine